Over 50% of U.S. parents limit their children’s screen time, but in an increasingly digitized world it is becoming difficult to enforce boundaries on technology. Legislation to restrict social media for adolescents is under review in many states, including Utah which is the first state to mandate social media restrictions.
While today’s adolescents were born with the internet, their parents were not. The new Amazon best seller Help! is a field guide to support parents of children with learning and thinking differences to feel confident, capable and fulfilled in the world of the internet and beyond. The book is bestseller in categories including Parenting Toddlers, Behavioral, Emotional & Social Disabilities, Child Discipline and more.
While today’s adolescents were born with the internet, their parents were not. The new Amazon best seller Help! is a field guide to support parents of children with learning and thinking differences to feel confident, capable and fulfilled in the world of the internet and beyond.
“We’re teaching social-emotional learning, and we’re integrating it with social media,” says author and co-founder of CASEN Education Social Network Wellness Academy, Dr. Myava Clark. “Help! is for parents to support their children as they grow up on the internet…through cyberbullying identification. It is also a personal note about my experience with my son.”
Dr. Myava Clark has a BS in Biology, an MEd specializing in Elementary Education and a Doctor of Philosophy Degree in Professional Studies. Dr. Clark has 30 years experience as a respiratory therapy clinician treating both adults and children and has worked in several hospitals in the Philadelphia area. Dr. Clark is a college professor and she works as a laboratory specialist and clinical instructor.
Dr. Clark is the mother of two children; her son Chris Jr. had academic challenges from a young age. Using her Master’s Degree in Elementary Education, Dr. Clark worked together with her son Chris to write Help! Dr. Clark combines her experience as an educator and mother with Chris’ personal experience to write a book that helps parents navigate the special education process, establish early intervention techniques, and connect more effectively with their children while learning to become stronger advocates themselves.
“My daughter is 22 months old and I’ve been concerned that she seems to have developmental delays when it comes to speech…I felt alone and afraid. This book spoke to me on a personal level. I felt understood, supported, and empowered to take the steps to find the right resources for my daughter,” says Lauren D., reader and parent.
CASEN LLC provides outreach, education, and social media “training wheels” for students with social-emotional needs, as well as resources and empowerment for their parents. Book proceeds will fund CASEN programming.
Reference Link: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/states-enforce-restrictions-adolescent-social-154300907.html